Annemarie Skeleton Coast.jpg

Annemarie Shillito

Officially I’m a sustainability leader with social innovation as my specialism. I’m used to talking to companies about how they can use their unique business capabilities in new ways to benefit society, and whipping up a storm of engaged employees at the same time. Not a lot of call for these skills in a Land Rover trip round Africa with just one co-worker, but luckily I have a second string to my bow: baking! Now you may think that’s not so useful either but take a look at our baking section and you’ll see why it’s so vital for this trip. I also love exploring on foot, by bike and even a little on (and in) water so adding ‘in a Land Rover’ seemed a natural addition to this list. I have never been to Africa and before this summer had never driven a Land Rover but I am up for new things. I LOVE the Landy, loved learning how to drive off-road and am excited at the prospect of 5 months to explore some of this massive continent. Landscapes and the natural world inspire me, as do Keats and Hopkins and their ideas about connecting with nature, but it’s people, social stuff and change that I’m really interested in as we travel.



Martin Kemp

In real life I make history and science documentaries. My work has taken me to some pretty far-flung places over the years but although I’ve been to several different parts of Africa in the past I’ve never travelled all the way through like this. This is also a chance to take a little more time – not just jetting in and zooming out again. What really fascinates me is how in Britain, and I suspect, in the rest of the world generally we’ve grown up with a certain image of Africa. As though it was a single entity, a place, a country rather than a rich and varied supercontinent. One of my earliest memories is the TV series “Daktari” (Swahili for ”Doctor”) – the adventures of a vet and his family, staff, Clarence the Cross-Eyed Lion and Judy the Chimpanzee. It was hugely influential in my early view of Africa – but surprise, surprise it was largely shot in California. Of course films were being shot in Africa from the earliest days of film cameras – but the view they gave of Africa was often pure Hollywood. So I’m really looking forward to searching out those locations and seeing what life is like today. And maybe compare and contrast a little.




Judy the Chimpanzee - well at least they got her species right! Actually I've got a bit of an issue with that since I seem to have ended up with the name "Monkey" despite the fact I'm clearly an Ape! Anyway as Annemarie's constant companion for the last 6 years I've spent more time in the bottom of her handbag than I care to remember. I did though get to run the London Marathon clasped in her mitt. I'm even pretty sure I crossed the line first - teaching her to brachiate was the secret. I flew in from South Africa with Martin all those years ago so although I've travelled the world since this is the first time I've been home. I'm planning on sitting on the dashboard for this one.